Shamrock Commercial Boats

Shamrock Boats - 20 PH
Shamrock Boats - 26 Commercial Pilothouse
Shamrock Boats - 26 Commercial Pilothouse with Towbitt

Not long after the first Shamrocks went into production, they were commissioned for commercial work.

There aren’t too many jobs on the water a Shamrock boat hasn’t performed over the years.

Shamrock Commercial Boats

The 20′ and 26′ Shamrock Pilothouse have been commissioned by the United States Coat Guard, numerous marine towing and salvage companies along with commercial fishing and diving charters.

The early 20′ and 26′ hulls have the exact same specs as the Open Fish and Cuddy Cabin boats. This alone dictates the overall capabilities of the entire Shamrock line.

The pilothouse design is not limited to commercial work.

Many a recreational boater owns and cherishes the pilothouse design for fishing and cruising.

The one-off design draws tremendous amounts of attention on the water and at the boat ramp. Although not as plentiful on the open market, these vessels are still out there.

The new Shamrock boat company currently doesn’t have plans to reproduce the pilothouse due to its high cost and limited market.

We will however welcome the opportunity to help locate, repair and or restore one for a customer.

Feel free to contact us at or 904-509-4383 for more information. Be sure to check out the Classic Shamrock Forum to connect with other owners of Shamrock Commercial Boats.